Starting a business in today's world can be daunting.  What with the myriad amount of rules, regulations, laws, reports, registrations, and just plain government red tape from city, county, state and federal entities.  This includes errors, omissions, losing your report submissions, incompetent handling, and just plain malfeasance on the part of these agencies.  To correct and expedite these irritating detriments to your business, as our client you will receive V.I.P. treatment, which is our Company acting as a "Very Interested Person", to see that your business runs smoothly.  Basically what we do is take the paper shuffling off of your back, which includes the monthly financial reports, quarterly financial reports, payroll reports and end-of-the year reports, etc.  What we do is intercede between you and all of these agencies to make sure that everything is copacetic, thus your business runs smoothly and so does ours.